Sponsor Spotlight

Discover Our Film Festival Sponsors

Meet our cherished sponsors who make the magic of Fayetteville Film Fest possible! Get to know who supports independent filmmaking and fosters our vibrant film community. 

Rockhill Studios provides comprehensive film and video production services, featuring top facilities and skilled personnel, across multiple regions

The Pryor Center, a part of the University of Arkansas, is dedicated to preserving and sharing Arkansas’ unique oral and visual history through digital media, exhibits, and educational programs.

The University of Arkansas is a prestigious institution in Fayetteville, offering diverse academic programs and fostering innovation across its vibrant student community.

Fay Public TV is a community-focused online television station in Fayetteville, promoting local engagement, education, and creativity through distinctive programming and resources for content creators.

Bonsai Film is a versatile production house specializing in engaging storytelling and innovative content, covering all aspects of the filmmaking process from development to distribution.

Tru Visionairi Entertainment is a creative film and video production company focused on delivering tailored visual content and messaging that elevates brands and captivates audiences.

Argot Soul is a bilingual multimedia organization dedicated to authentically highlighting Arkansas’s Latinx community’s experiences and culture through engaging content and storytelling.

Support Independent Cinema and Showcase Your Brand

 Partner with us as a sponsor to foster creativity, diversity, and artistic expression in film, while enhancing your brand visibility in an engaged community.